Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Activity 4 - Water

What elements make up water?
- There are two elements in water, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Water is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom creating a formula of H2O.

Is water an ionic compound or a covalent compound?
- Water is a covalent compound because the two elements, hydrogen and oxygen are both nonmetals.

What is the shape of water?
- Water does not have a distinct shape. The water will form to whatever container it is in, for example a vase, bowl, cup, lake.

Why does water stick to itself?
- Water sticks to itself because it is a polar molecule. A polar molecule, also known as a dipole is a molecule in which the centroid of the positive charges is different from the centroid of the negative charges. So the charge on one part of the atom is positive while the other is negative. So each of the water molecules are polar. Because a positive and negative charge attract the water is drawn to itself.

Why does water not stick to or mix with oil?
- Oil is non polar and does not have a charge, therefore making it neutral. Water however is polar and has both a positive and negative charge. The oil is more drawn to itself than to the water. Therefore water and oil do not mix or stick together.

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